

I am sure you have noticed how there has been lots of construction work going on around First Armagh in the last few months. The steps have been repaired, the railings renewed, and the ramp to the Temple Lundie room erected. Don’t the steps look spectacular as you approach the Church from the Mall!

At the last meeting, the Congregational Committee made a unanimous decision to install a new kitchen in the Temple Lundie room and complete extensive work to the pipe organ. To step forward into a new future, we need to modernise and maintain health and safety standards in our kitchen which has been used more extensively for catering in recent years. The organ was the first to be installed in a Presbyterian Church in County Armagh. We are fortunate to have a talented organist in Elise Crean. However, in order to maintain the organ and to become a hub for musical excellence, it has become obvious that we need to make extensive repairs. A few years ago, the Kirk Session formulated a Mission Statement which emphasised the need to be “a warm, serving, inclusive Church.” We feel the kitchen facilities will help us make the Church a more hospitable place. The Mission Statement also talked about “a focus on the worship of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The repaired Organ will help us to maintain and improve standards in worship for another generation in First Armagh. The total cost of these capital projects will be around £175,000. While we have been fund raising for a few years now, we will still need to raise a further £60,000 to replenish the Reserve Account.

Psalm 150 verse 6 encourages us to step forward into God’s future and pipe up in our worship;

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

Rev. Tony Davidson

Sponsor a Step
Sponsor an Organ Pipe
Cathedral Motorcycle Run